Help save Laughing Horse books

7 05 2011

Without your help, the collective-run Laughing Horse books in Portland, Oregan may soon be forced to close its doors.

Laughing Horse books is a independent bookstore, music venue and meeting space for radicals and activists with a history that goes back a quarter of a century.  To lose Laughing Horse Books would be the equivalent of losing a limb for the activists in the area.

Shawn Wilbur, Anarchist and Mutualist who has worked hard to translate and research early Mutualist thought writes:

The people and projects who stand to lose, in terms of finances, time, morale, etc., are primarily allied, radical projects who can’t afford losses and activists in exactly the same position.

It doesn’t matter where you are in this crazy world, if you count yourself an Anarchist, this is your chance to act in solidarity and live up to all the talk of mutual aid that goes on within these circles.

Whether it’s a 10, 5 or a few dollars, anything will help keep the creditors from the door.

Donate by heading over to Shawn’s blog and using the “ChipIn” widget in the far-right column or head directly to the ChipIn website and
spread the word on Facebook, on Blogs, on Forums, on Twitter.

Check out Laughing Horse books on Facebook and Myspace.